MERIO is located in Saint-Restitut, France and designs and produces a range of gyrostabilized gimbals as well as image acquisition and processing chain.
MERIO offers a wide range of gimbals dedicated to all types of air, land and sea applications (surveillance, intelligence/coastal/border, target detection, ISR missions, civil security) and all types of carrier (UAV, helicopters, tethered balloons, UGV, zodiac & USV…). Our TEMIS range extends from our COMPACT (550gr dual EO/IR sensors for ultra-mobile applications) to our TEMIS M25 (5.4kg full HD EO & cooled IR MWIR for long-range intelligence). Our expertise also lies in our ability to develop tailor-made solutions, adapted to our customer’s need.
These gimbals can also be integrated on ground or naval systems. MERIO offers also video acquisition and processing with on-board modules and software for real-time image processing, with target detection and tracking, mapping functions (geo localisation, geo tracking…)…

Gimbal Brochure Link

Accessories Brochure Link
Please contact Bob Schmidt PH: +1 (810) 441-1457
Email: bob@uavpropulsiontech.com