We are able to provide parachute solutions from two different companies that each have specific expertise in rescue parachute solutions. We offer pyrotechnic solutions from ParaZero located in Be’er Sheva, Israel for VTOL or transitional VTOL aircraft that require a deployment mechanism to propel the parachute away from the aircraft. Solutions for small multicopters up to large urban air mobility aircraft. We also offer fixed wing rescue/recovery parachute and air bag solutions from PASA – UAV Safety Solutions AG located in Landsberied, Germany (just outside of Munich). The advantage of PASA solutions is the size/weight is typically smaller than other solutions on the market. They also have an auto cord cutter solution that releases the parachute once the air vehicle has landed to minimize any damage due to high wind. PASA rescue parachute solutions are in use today with European and US UAV customers.
Key advantages of PASA’s UAV Safety Solutions are:
- Large speed-range for initial phase of deployment: 0 bis 310km/h tested.
- Moderate G-load throughout total deployment-range due to configurable slider system.
- Low tendency of oscillation.
- Extreme low weight and dimensions resulting in low effect on payload.
- Standard sizes for MTOW of 0,5 to 93kg with 4-6m/s sink rate, extension of MTOW easily feasible.
- Customization! Scalable to individual requirements and drone shapes and sizes.
- Re-useable: 10+ deployments possible.
- Verification of required parameters through special measuring equipment and video documentation during airdrop-tests.
- Low adaptation and development efforts while in design phase to consider specific requirements.
- Developed in Germany and produced in Europe
ParaZero Drone Safety Solutions was founded in 2014 in Be’er Sheva, Israel. The company was founded by a passionate group of aviation professionals, together with veteran drone operators, to solve the industry’s primary challenge – safety.
The emerging world of UAS’s is changing many commercial fields, and the potential of drones is being applied in ways never thought possible. Since UAS’s are increasingly present in various civilian applications, safety has become a serious consideration for users and regulators.
ParaZero’s vision is to use the SafeAir drone safety technology to unlock the full potential of the commercial drone industry.
ParaZero has COTS solutions for several DJI multicopters and also develops custom pyrotechnic rescue parachute solutions for larger VTOL and transitional VTOL applications (UAV and Urban Air Mobility).
SafeAir_Professional Kit Brochure
Check out the ParaZero website for more info: http://www.parazero.com.
Contact UAV Propulsion Tech if you are looking for a rescue/recovery parachute solution for your fixed wing, VTOL or transitional VTOL. We offer pyrotechnic and non-pyrotechnic solutions for all applications.
For more info, please contact Bob Schmidt PH: +1 (810) 441-1457
Email: bob@uavpropulsiontech.com